Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of the Sedimentary Succession Penetrated by the Drill in Jooak-1 Well, Anambra Basin, Southeastern Nigeria


  • J. O Kinrin-ola


Paleoenvironment; Anambra Basin; foraminifera; Inner Neritic; Foraminifera diversity and abundance


Eleven (11) ditch cutting samples collected from Research and Development Division, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) composited between 2650ft to 5930ft (3280ft) JOOAK-1 well located in the Anambra Basin were processed for foraminifera analysis to interprete the paleoenvironment. This study was carried out using standard micropaleontological sample procedures and anaysis as well as interpretation of the foraminifera biofacies assembleages taking into consideration qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative method involves the use of extant forms while the quantitative method involved the use of percent of calcareous to arenaceous benthic foraminifera ratios (%FOBC : %FOBA). A biostratigraphical distribution chart embracing lithology, foraminifera abundance, foraminifera diversity and paleoenvironment was established for the well. A total of eighty (80) foraminifera species were recovered; four (4) planktic, nine (9) calcareous benthic and sixty seven (67) agglutinating benthic. The dominant foraminifera recovered are the benthic agglutinating. The calcareous benthic foraminifera were moderately counted while planktic foraminifera were poorly represented. The paleoenvironment of deposition of JOOAK-1 well from the Anambra Basin was based on qualitative and quantitative methods. The paleoenvironmental analyses reveals occurrence of few planktic foraminifera species; Acarinina mackannai, Globigerina eugibina, Globigerina species, Hedbergella delrioensis over this interval suggesting Inner Nerritic Environmental setting and deeper palaeodepth for JOOAK-1 well.




How to Cite

Kinrin-ola , J. O. (2022). Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of the Sedimentary Succession Penetrated by the Drill in Jooak-1 Well, Anambra Basin, Southeastern Nigeria. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE RESEARCH, 18(1), 8. Retrieved from