Application of Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Mapping Gold Mineralization Potential in Iperindo, Ilesha Schist Belt, Southwestern Nigeria


  • Olawale Olakunle Osinowo


Gold mineralization; Low resistivity zones; Vertical faults; Pegmatitic veins; Iperindo.


This study applied Electrical Resistivity Tomography technique to evaluate the gold mineralization potential of Iperindo in Ilesha Schist Belt, southwestern Nigeria, where commercial exploitation capable of generating revenue and employment for the inhabitants has been challenged by lack of/inadequate subsurface geological/geophysical information. The filtered and inverted electrical resistivity data acquired through five 336 m long E – W trending profiles, established 10 m apart from each other, delineate isolated near-surface but thick (> 30 m) low resistivity zones, especially at the eastern and western ends of the study area. Some of the delineated low resistivity zones (3 – 200 Ωm) present vertical sharp edges, likely created by vertical faults that flank the zones on both sides. The low resistivity values of these zones could be attributed to the occurrence of conductive minerals such as gold and associated base metals which probably exist in pegmatitic veins within the zones.




How to Cite

Osinowo, O. O. . (2022). Application of Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Mapping Gold Mineralization Potential in Iperindo, Ilesha Schist Belt, Southwestern Nigeria. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE RESEARCH, 18(1), 8. Retrieved from